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Recent Advances in Hormonal Physiology of Fish and Shellfish Reproduction

Recent Advances in Hormonal Physiology of Fish and Shellfish Reproduction

by Singh/Pandey

PRICE: ₹ 5,195.00
DISCOUNT: ₹ 779.25
OUR PRICE: ₹ 4,415.75

  • Year: 2009
  • Paperback/Hardbound: Hardbound
  • ISBN: 9788190609135
  • Language: ENGLISH

1. Current status of gonadotropin and growth hormone in control of reproduction in teleosts  2. Recent advances in the control of maturation and breeding in cultivable fishes 3. Some aspects of teleost vitellogenesis : role of fish vitellogenin 4. Regulation of final oocyte maturation in teleosts 5. Pineal control of fish reproduction 6. Fish pheromones and their potential applications in breeding, aquaculture and fishery management 7. Fish propagation and extreme climatic events 8. Endocrine regulation of calcium metabolism in fishes with special reference to reproduction 9. Antioxidative defense system with special reference to fish reproduction 10. Isolation, purification and characterization of growth hormone from the Indian catfish, Clarias batrachus 11. Role of hormone and semibalanced diet for advanced and multiple maturation, breeding and seed production of Indian catfish,Heteropneustes fossilis 12. Early maturation in broodstocks of Indian major carps maintained on semibalanced diet supplemented with lysine and methionine 13. Induction of maturity and spontaneous spawning in captive broodstock of seabass, Lates calcarifer, through hormonal manipulation  14. Induction of ovulation and spawning in Mugil cephalus using HCG and ovaprim  15. Profile of lipid and certain vitellogenic constituents in relation 16. Maturational responses of gonads to pituitary preparations and ovaprim in Labeo rohita 17. Hypophysialgonadal axis modulation in response to some spawning  inducing agents 18. Induction of maturational processes by spawning inducing agents in gonads of Clarias batrachus 19. Synchronization of induced spawning of carps by ovaprim and pituitary gland 20. Field trials on induced spawning of the Indian major carps with acetonedried powdered pituitary from Catla catla 21. Successful induced spawning of pondraised endangered golden  mahseer, Tor putitora 22. Induced breeding of the Indian major carp, Labeo rohita, with synthetic hormone drug WOVAFH 23. Pheromonea probable biostimulant for sympathetic spawning of the Indian major carps 24. Role of pineal melatonin during environmental and hormonal sex determination in fishes 25. Rat ventral prostate and seminal vesicular bioassay for detecting the residual hormone in 17amethyltesosterone induced sterile common 26. Effect of mibolerone on the reproductive physiology of Clarias batrachus during the preparatory season 27. Aflatoxin B 1 induced pathophysiological changes in ovary of an airbreathing fish, Channa punctatu 28. Effects of adrenocortical hormones and ACTH on haematological indices in freshwater teleost, Mystus vittatus 29. Cryopreservation of carp milt in French straws, tarson tubes and visitubes : a step towards preservation in bulk 30. Endocrine control of reproduction in prawn : an overview 31. Histomorphology of the neurosecretory cells of eyestalk, brain and thoracic ganglia of Macrobrachium rosenbergii with special reference to gonadal maturation 32. Broodstock mangement, breeding and seed rearing of freshwater giant prawn, Macrobrachiun rosenbergii 33. Breeding and seed production of Indian river prawn, Macrobrachium malcolmsonii 34. Role of hormone in gonadal maturation and reduction of intermolt period in postlarval rearing of Macrobrachium rosenbergii 35. Enhanced reproductive potential of Penaeus monodon broodstock using suitable management practices 36. Hormonal influence of sexual maturity in female giant freshwater prawn, acrobrachium rosenbergii 37. Controlled breeding studies in female Macrobrachium idella 38. Biotechnological applications of hormones in fish reproduction 39. Transgenic fish and shellfish and their potential applications in aquaculture for increased