1. Biodiversity of Some Aquatic Environments in Central India 2. Diversity and Densities of Benthic Macroinvertebrates as bioitic Indicators of Eutrophication 3. Phytoplankton Dynamics in a Shallow, Eutrophic ManMade Lake in Delhi:Relationships between Species Composition and Environmental Factors 4. Macrophytic Association of Epiphytic Microflora and fauna of some Beels of Eastern U.P. 5. Time Scale Evaluation and use of Traditional Practices to Reclaim and Enhance Biodiversity 6. Fish Diversity in the Oriental Highlands of the Indian Subcontinent 7. Conservation and Development of Mahseer Fishery in Shyamlatal Lake 8. Ichthyofaunal Diversity of Assam : Resource Development 9. Ecological Assessment of a National Lake Rabindra Sarover, Kolkata 10. Comparative Account of Plankton Ecology of Perennial and Seasonal Reservoir 11. Estuarine Biodiversity: Facts and a few Thoughts 12. Marine Biodiversity of the Indian Seas and its Sustainable Management 13. Brachyuran Diversity in Coastal Ecosystems of Tamil Nadu 14. Temporal Variations in the Icthyofaunal Diversity off Goa’s Coast 15. Biodiversity of Airbreathing Fishes and Structural Evolution of their Accessory Respiratory Organs 16. Steroid Sulphate Fraction of Preovulatory Ovarian Extract Functions as Releasing Pheromone in Male Barilius Bendelisis (Ham.) 17. Breeding History of a Hillstream Carp Barilius Barna (Ham.) from Garhwal Himalaya India 18. A Study on the Fecundity of Notopterous Notopterous (Pallas)19. Morphoembryonic Development in Artificially Fertilized Zygote of Snowtrout Schizothorax richardsonii (Gray) 20. Spawning and Larval Rearing Technique for Tropical Clownfish Amphiprion sebae under Captive Conditions 21. Studies on the Treatments of Industrial Effluents by Biologically Modified BioadsorbentA Novel Method 22. Effect of Biophysicochemical Factors on iosequestering of Microcystin (MC) from the Fresh Water Pond by Photosynthetic bacteria 23. Individual and Combined Effect of Metals on Phosphatases System and Protein Content of a Marine Edible Crab Scylla Serrrata 24. Hydrobiology of Thermal Springs 25. Suitability of Methods for Determining Growth Parameters 26. Characterization of Structural Diversity through Population Genetics