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Glimpse of Geo-Informatics

Glimpse of Geo-Informatics

by Ramamoorthy, P

PRICE: ₹ 245.00
DISCOUNT: ₹ 36.75
OUR PRICE: ₹ 208.25

  • Year: 2023
  • Paperback/Hardbound: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9789356511897
  • Language: English

Basic Concepts of Remote Sensing Geographic Information System Lecture 1: Concepts and Foundations of Remote Sensing Lecture 2: Platforms and Sensors: Types and Characteristics Lecture 3: Elements of Visual Photo / Image Interpretation Lecture 4: Digital Image Processing Lecture 5: GIS: Definition, Components and functions Lecture 6: Data Models Lecture 7: Raster Data Analysis Lecture 8: Vector Data Analysis Lecture 9: Geodesy Lecture 10: GPS - Components and Functions Lecture 11: Precision Agriculture Lecture 12: Variable Rate Technologies Lecture 13 : Crop Discrimination and Yield Monitoring using Remote Sensing Lecture 14: Soil Mapping and Fertilizer Recommendation using Remote Sensing & GIS Lecture 15: Crop Simulation Lecture 16: Drones for Precision Agriculture One Liner Model Question Papers Glossary References