1 International Year of Millets-Unleashing its Potential in Making a Sustainable World
2 Millets: Super Food for Nutrition Security and Livelihood Improvement
3 Climate Change and Millets: A Global Food Security for an Improving Livelihood
4 The Vital Role of Millets in Sustainable Agriculture: Ensuring Food Security and Enhancing Environmental Sustainability
5 Role of Minor Millets in the Context of Climate Change and Genomic Resources
6 Millets in Organic Agricultural System
7 Breeding for Genetic Improvement of Millets
8 Millets: A Biotechnological Perspective
9 Finger Millet : A Sustainable Approach for Nutritional Security and its Biofortifi cation
10 Foxtail Millet: Origin, Production, Nutritional Benefi ts and Medicinal Use
11 Kodo Millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum) - A Nutri-rich Millet Crop: Nutritional Composition, Health Benefi ts and Food Product Developments
12 Millets : Its Diseases and Management
13 Economic Importance of Major Millet Pests and their Management Techniques
14 Insect Pests of Major Millets and Integrated Strategies for their Management
15 Recent Approaches for Management of Insect Disease Problems in Pearl Millet
16 Exotic Fruits in India: Production, Nutritional Benefi ts and Medicinal Properties
17 Flourishing the Climate Resilient Fruit Crops to Ensure Global Food and Nutritional Security
18 Vegetables: A Food to Ensure Economic and Dietary Security
19 Bioactive Compounds in Jamun (Syzygium cumini L.) Ensuring Nutritional Security
20 Meet the Incredible, the Unsung Heroes of Crops in Alleviating Iron Defi ciency Anemia
21 Importance of Millets for Enhancement of Calcium Content and Thickness in Eggshell of Granivorous Birds
22 Climate Change Resilient through Modern Farming in Vegetable Cultivation