1. Digital Fish Farming Techniques for Doubling Income of Fish Farmers
2. Navigating Modernization in Fish Farming: Challenges and Opportunities for
Small-Scale Fish farmer
3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Advancements in Fisheries: Sustainability and
4. Modernization of Fish Farming and Its Challenges to Small Fish Farmers in India
5. New Trends of Mobile Applications in Fisheries and Aquaculture and its
Challenges to Small-scale Fish Farmers in India
6. Artificial Intelligence in Aquaculture and Fisheries: Transformative Innovations
and Associated Challenges
7. Aquaculture Renaissance: Machine Learning Steering the Blue Revolution
8. Internet of Things (IoT) in Fisheries and its Limitations for Fish Farmers
9. Exploring Recent IoT Advancements in the Aquaculture and Fisheries Sector
of India
10. Exploring Recent Advancement and Potential in Fishing Technologies
11. Remote Sensing in Fisheries and Aquaculture: Opportunities and Challenges for
Small-Scale Fish Farmers
12. Remote Sensing in Fisheries and Aquaculture, its Possibilities and Difficulties to
Small Fish Farmers
13. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN): A Potent Tool for Management of
Aquaculture Pond
14. Application of Blockchain Technology: Enhancing Traceability and
Transparency in the Fisheries Sector
15. Application and Importance of Solar Panel System in Aquaculture and its
Future Aspects
16. Automation and Robotics in Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries Monitoring
17. Smart Weighing System in the Indian Ocean and its Limitations
18. Disruptive Digital Technologies Applicable to Increase Aquaculture Production
and its Limitation to Fish Farmers
19. Applications of Underwater Cameras and Electric Devices in Inland Water 20. Transforming Fisheries and Aquaculture Management with Advancing
Underwater Video Techniques
21. Modernization of Aqua Farms and It’s Challenges to Small Scale Fish Farmers
22. Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture System (IMTA)
23. Application of Augmented Reality (AR) in Fisheries and Aquaculture
24. Case Studies on Successful Implementation of Fisheries Technology