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Classical and Molecular Genetics

Classical and Molecular Genetics

by Thangahemavathy, A

PRICE: ₹ 2,495.00
DISCOUNT: ₹ 374.25
OUR PRICE: ₹ 2,120.75

  • Year: 2024
  • Paperback/Hardbound: Hardbound
  • ISBN: 9789356517585
  • Language: English

1. Exploring the Past and Future of Genetics: Classical and  Molecular Cytogenetics   2. Definition-Brief History of Developments of Genetics and  Cytogenetics
3. Cell Division- Mitosis and Meiosis- Significance  4. Chromosome Structure- Chromatid, Chromomeres, Centromere, Telomere, Secondary Constriction, Nucleolar Organizer Region and Satellite  5. Chromatin Chemical Composition; Chromosome Landmarks- Euchromatin and Heterochromatin; Centromere, Bands, Chromosome Ends, Knobs  6. Types of Chromosomes Classified based on- Position of Centromere, Number of Centromeres, Shape at Anaphase, Structure and Appearance, Essentiality, Role in  Sex Determination, Structure and Function  7. Special Chromosomes -Polytene and Lampbrush Chromosomes, other Types of Chromosomes-B, Ring and Isochromosomes  8. Differential Staining of Chromosomes-Q Banding, G Banding, R Banding and C Banding  9. FISH- Steps in FISH-Applications and Limitations  10. Gish-Steps in Gish-Applications and Limitations         
11. Chromosomal Aberration: Numerical Aberrations – Haploidy– Types – Euphaploids and Aneuhaploids; Origin of Haploids, Application of  Haploids in Crop Improvement  12. Aneuploid- Definition, Types of Aneuploids – Hypoploidy and Hyperploidy; Hypoploidy- Monosomy, Nullisomy and their Origin;  Hyperploidy- Trisomics, Tetrasomics and their Origin; Applications and Limitations of Aneuploids in Crop Improvement  13. Methods of Doubled Haploid Production- Anther Culture and Chromosome Elimination Technique through Wide Hybridization  14. Structural Aberrations of Chromosomes-Deletion, Duplication, Inversion, Translocation and Types  15. Locating Genes on Chromosomes: Insights from  Monosomic Lines  16. Genome Analysisin Allopolyploids- Evolution of Cotton, Tobacco,  Wheat, Brassica; Synthesis of Triticale and Raphanobrassica