1. Concepts of Soil Pedology and Edaphology 2. Origin of the Earth – Earth’s Crust and Composition 3. Rocks and Minerals 4. Weathering, Soil Formation Factors and Processes and Components of Soils 5. Soil Profile 6. Physical Properties of Soil 7. Significance of Soil Aggregates, Soil Consistency and Soil Crusting 8. Soil Color 9. Soil water 10. Thermal Properties of Soils 11. Soil Colloids, it’s Properties, Nature, Types and Significance 12. Layer Silicate Clays – Genesis and Classification 13. Adsorption of ions–Ion Exchange–CEC& AEC – Factors Influencing Ion Exchange- Significance 14. Soil Organic Matter–Composition, Decomposition, Mineralization and Immobilization 15. Humus – Fractionation of Organic Matter 16. Carbon cycle–C: N Ratio ........ Soil biology – Biomass – Soil Organisms –Their Beneficial and Harmful Roles