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Food Processing Technology (Objective Questions and Answers)

Food Processing Technology (Objective Questions and Answers)

by Kumar, V / Dash, K.K

PRICE: ₹ 3,495.00
DISCOUNT: ₹ 524.25
OUR PRICE: ₹ 2,970.75

  • Year: 2023
  • Paperback/Hardbound: Hardbound
  • ISBN: 9789356518001
  • Language: English

The main objectives of this book is to help students to quickly grasp the facts comprehensively and systematically from various food relevant subjects during UG/PG level. It will provide complete and simplified understanding of the basic fundamental of Agricultural Processing and Food Technology to the students of the Agricultural Engineering, Food Processing, Dairy and Food Engineering, Food Science and Technology, Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology, Horticulture (Specialised in Post-Harvest Technology) and Home Science (Food and Nutrition). Although, both Agricultural Processing and Food Technology are broad subjects which cannot be confined to a single book, however efforts have been made to cover important portion of the syllabus of Agricultural Process and Food Technology. This book is also beneficial to those students preparing and who are ambitious of higher studies or going to appear in competitive examination such as ICAR/CSIR/UGC fellowship, NET, ARS, JRF, GATE, IAS, IFS, and also helpful who are appearing in interviews of RA/SRF/SMS/Assistant Professor and also in national and multinational food industries. The book contains a selection of almost 1600 multiple choice solved questions divided into 8 chapters covering major fields of Agricultural Process and Food Engineering. Chapter 1 covers the material balance in food processing followed by Fluid mechanics, heat transfer and mass transfer: transfer process in food processing as second, third and fourth chapter respectively. Post-harvest unit operation is next topic as chapter five. Food Process engineering and Food Packaging is covered as chapter six and seven. Chapter eight comprises multiple choice question from the topic Food Plant Design and Layout.