1. Ethology of Freshwater Eel Anguilla bengalensis in the Semi-natural Temple Pond of Chabdibaraha, Nepal 2. The Himalaya: Mountain Ecology and Wildlife Conservation 3 The Palaeoichthyofauna of Jammu and Kashmir State, India 4. Freshwater Productivity in Lakes, Tanks and Reservoirs of Kashmir 5. Ichthyofauna of Kashmir Valley (Jammu and Kashmir State) India 6. Inter-stream Migration of Ganges River Dolphin between Mohana River and Karnali River 7. On the Phytoplankton of Ladakh Region (Jammu and Kashmir State) India 8. On the Phyllopod Crustacea of Jammu and Kashmir State, India 9 Importance of Macrophytes: A Review 10.A Revision of Fish Species Inhabiting River Indus 11. Study on Some Abiotic Components of the River Suyal of Kumaun 143 Himalayas, Uttarakhand 12. Impact of Rogor Toxicity on Aldolase and Acetylcholinesterase Activity in Liver, Brain and Gills of Freshwater Catfish, Clarias batrachus 13. Animal Extinction by Man through the Ages