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Bioresources for Rural Livelihood :   Vol-I Genetics, Biochemistry and Toxicology

Bioresources for Rural Livelihood : Vol-I Genetics, Biochemistry and Toxicology

by Kulkarni/Pandey

PRICE: ₹ 4,495.00
DISCOUNT: ₹ 674.25
OUR PRICE: ₹ 3,820.75

  • Year: 2010
  • Paperback/Hardbound: Hardbound
  • ISBN: 9789380428062
  • Language: ENGLISH

 1.   Bioterrorism: Threats To Rural Livelihood In India 2.   Epigenetics and Programming the X Chromosome by Targeting Determinants of Dosage  4.   Genetic and Non-genetic Factors Affecting Semen Quality and Sperm Morphology in Frieswal Bulls 5.Genotoxic Effect of Carbaryl on the Chromosomes of Fresh Water Fish 6.   Genotype-wise Expression Profile of Prolactin Gene and the Effect of  Genotype on egg quality traits in chicken 7. Cloning and Sequencing of Glycine Receptor Partial Gene from Pangasius  Clastogenecity of Monocrotophos on Spermatocytic Chromosomes of Short- Horned Grasshopper Poecilocerus pictus F. (Insecta: Orthoptera : Acridiidae) 9.   Experimental Study Of Dna Damage In A Freshwater Fish Channa Punctatus  Following Its Exposure To Bifenthrin 10. Immunotoxicological Changes in Spleen of W.L.H. Chick by Ascaridia galli  Infection and Cadmium Acetate Treatment 11.  Amplification of Rat Microsatellite LOCI in Druckrey 12. Detection of Polymorphism in Exon 2 of Toll-like Receptor 4 Gene of   Indian Buffaloes 13.    DNA Barcoding and Microsatellite Marker Development for Ansonia Ornata:An Endangered Amphibian Species 14.Molecular Characterization of Salt Tolerance Genes from Aquatic Microbes: Concepts and Application in Transgenic Research 15.Studies on the Effect of Ecdysone Treatment on the Protein Synthesis, During the Development of Spodoptera Litura 16.  Biological Control and Integrated Pest Management Techniques : The Effective Tool for Upliftment of Rural Population  17.Immunomodulating Activity of Cleome gynandra 18. Phosphamidon Induced Changes in the Proximate Composition of Etroplus  maculatus: A fresh Water Fish of Kuttanand Paddy Fields for Estimating  Maximum Allowable Toxicant Concentration of the Pesticide  19. Effect of Doramectin on Some Biochemical Constituents of the Fish Channa Punctatus 20.  Retardation of Growth after Fluoride Exposure in Catfish, Heteropneustes   Fossilis (Bloch) 21  In Vitro Haemolytic Activity of Semipurified Alkaloidal Fraction of Flower ofSphaeranthus Indicus in Human Red Blood Corpuscles 22. Cytogenicity by Proimmu During Oestrogen Induced Uterine Injury in Rats  23.Evaluation of Economic Loss due to Peste Des Petits Ruminants Disease in  Sheep and Goats: An Economic Perspective 24. The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Concept: Preventive Tool for Food Security 25. Safe Methods of use of  Pesticides as Part of IPM and Non-IPM for Better  Promotion of Food Security and Food Safety in a Rural Set Up 26.Plant Extracts for Management of uzi Fly Exorista Sorbillans Wiede (Diptera : Tachinidae) 27. An Alternative Approach to Control Aeromonas Hydrophila using Important  Herbal Extracts  28. Experimentally Produced Ovarian Adenocarcinoma By Estrogen: A New Model 29. Wound Healing Activity of Sphaeranthus indicus (Linn) in Albino Rats