1. Celebrating the Bicentenary of Darwin’s Birth and 150th Anniversary of the Publication of the “Origin of Species”2. Dialogue and Debate on Darwinism: An Introspection 3. Biodiversity and Biotechnology: How they Support and Nurture Each other 4. Marine Bioresources for Livelihood: Mangroves and Associated Crabs of Ratnagiri on West Coast of India. 5. Mangrove Associated Fauna of Subarnarekha Estuary (Balasore: Orissa) 6. Ornamental Fish Trade in The Red Sea and Gulf of Aden 7. Aquaculture of Seaweeds: A Potential Bioresource for Generation of Rural Livelihood 8. Bioresouces as a Tool for Food Security and Rural Livelihood: Challenges of 21st Century (A Review) 9. Diversity of Avifauna in Harischandragad Kalsubai Area Tal. Akole, Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra 10. Bioinvasion of Blood in Avians: Causes and Consequences 11. Ectoparasites of Animals 12. On Some Helminthic Infection of Fresh Water Fishes with Special Reference to Transmit Disease 13. Coccidian Parasites of Domestic Rabbits (Oryctolagus Cuniculus) In Kashmir Valley 14. Diversity, Population Dynamics of Cestode Parasites from some
Freshwater Fishes of Marathwada Region 15. Comparative Study on Prevalence of Free Living Protozoa from Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India 16. Study on the Occurrence of Human Pathogenic Bacteria in Trichiurus spp. During Frozen Storage 17. Molecular Genetic Diversity in Lac Resin Secreting Insects, Kerria Lacca: Current Status 18. Pollen Diversity in Apis Mellifera and its Quantification in the Different
Eco Habitats in Karnataka 19. Diversity Analysis of Aeromonas Species Isolated from Fish in West Bengal
using Molecular Techniques 20. Meso-arthropods of Euedaphon and Hemidaphon of Reclaimed Mine
Spoils of Kathara Coalmine area of Jharkhand 21. Some in Situ and Ex Situ Methods of Biodiversity Conservation 22. An Assessment of Zooplankton Population of Kelewadi Lake, with Reference to Pisciculture, Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra 23. Human Threat To Anuran’s Biodiversity 24. Spotlight of Social Dimension of Ecology 25. Morphological Studies of Liver in Leopard 26. Behavioral Mechanisms of Melopsittacus Undulatus for Pair Bond Formation and Mating 27. Gross Morphology and Surface Ultrastructure of the Swim Bladder in an Air Breathing Fish, Anabas Testudineus 28. Demography of Free-ranging Hanuman Langur (semnopithecus Entellus) in and Around Jodhhpur, Rajasthan (India) 29. Potentials of Calotropis Procera: An Overview 30. Performance of Malabari Goats Under Field Conditions 31. Variation in Diurnal Activity Pattern of Barasingha (Cervus Duvaucetii) in Zoological Garden, Kolkata 32. Nutritional Security Through Aquaculture in Abandoned Water Bodies 33. Role of Body Melanisation in Stress Resistance and Fecundity in Highland vs. Lowland Populations of Drosophila Melanogaster 34. Variation in Abiotic and Microbial Characters of Water During Breeding of Labeo Rohita in a Closed Hatchery System 35. Water Quality Status of Kishore Sagar Tank, Kota, Rajasthan (India) 36. Effect of Certain Ecological Factors Responsible for the Development of Rice Weevil, Sitophilus Oryzae Linn. (Curculionidae: Coleoptera) 37. Entomological Studies of Phlebotominae Sand Flies (Phlebotomidae: Diptera) With Emphasis on Vectors of Kala-azar From Northern Plains of Uttar Pradesh, India 38. Constraints and Remedies in Clean Milk Production in Dharwad Milk Union: A Study 39. Fish Production of Juggar Dam Hindauncity, Rajasthan, India: Conservation and Management Issues 40. Ex-situ Study of Breeding Behaviour and Parental Care in Leopard, Panthera Pardus 41. Population Dynamics of Genarchopsis in Channa Striatus of Rohilkhand Region 42. Prevalence of Trypanosoma Species in Rattus Rattus of Rohilkhand Region