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Environemental Science : Botanical & Forestry Perspecticve

Environemental Science : Botanical & Forestry Perspecticve

by Sett, Rupnarayan

PRICE: ₹ 2,995.00
DISCOUNT: ₹ 449.25
OUR PRICE: ₹ 2,545.75

  • Year: 2012
  • Paperback/Hardbound: Hardbound
  • ISBN: 9789380428505
  • Language: ENGLISH

1. The Conservation and Loss in the Biodiversity of India 2. Global Warming and Climate Change 3. Environmental Impact Assessment 4. The Indoor Pollution 5. Acid Rain and its Effect on Vegetation 6. Nitrogen Dioxide Pollution on Vegetation 7. Sulfur Dioxide Pollution on Vegetation 8. Problems, Utilization and Characterization of Flyash 9. Plant Responses to Dust Pollution 10. Performance of Flyash for Growth of Plants 11. Air Pollution from Sponge Iron Factories and its Effect on Vegetation 12. Impact of Automobile Exhausts in Leaves of Resistant Trees on Polluted Roadsides 13. Foliar Phenol Content in Trees in Plastic Industrial Area 14. Foliar Ascorbic Acid Content in Trees in Plastic Industrial Area 15. Impact of Simulated Acid Rain on Tree Seedlings in Nursery Condition 16. Epiphytic Lichens as Bioindicators of Air Pollution 17. Combating Population-burst vis-à-vis Climate-change with GM Products 18. Climate Change is a Determining Factor Today for Both Business and Politics 19. Few Important iochemical Protocols used in Environmental Assays 20. Conclusion: You Cannot Stop Climate Change, But You May Change the Climate