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Management Issues in Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture

Management Issues in Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture

by Sharma, M

PRICE: ₹ 2,895.00
DISCOUNT: ₹ 434.25
OUR PRICE: ₹ 2,460.75

  • Year: 2012
  • Paperback/Hardbound: Hardbound
  • ISBN: 9789380428598
  • Language: ENGLISH

1. Present Status, Research Needs and Management Options for Inland open-water Fisheries in India 2. Institutional Arrangements for Reservoir Fisheries Management: A Study in Madhya Pradesh 3. Conservation and Habitat Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystem 4. Allometry and Condition Index in the Freshwater Bivalve Parreysia Favidens from River Bhadra, India 5. Effect of Global Warming and Climate Change on Fisheries Sector 6. Management Strategies for Mugil cephalus in Hoogly-Matla Estuarine System 7. Eradication of Banded Pond Snail (Bellamya bengalensis Lamarck, 1882) from Fresh Water Pond for Sustainable Aquaculture Management 8. Effect of some Hormones on Food Consumption, Food Conversion, Growth and Bioenergetics in a Fresh Water Fish, Mystus vittatus (Bloch) 9. Present Status and Future Scope of Shrimp Farming in the Lower Stretches of Sundarbans of West Bengal in the Perspective of Livelihood Security and Poverty Alleviation 10. Brackishwater Aquaculture in Context of Rural Livelihood and Food Security – A Review on Possible Diversification of Cultivable Species 11. Status of Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon, Fabricius) Farming at Contai Region in Purba Medinipur District,West Bengal 12. Effect of Garlic on Non-Specific Immune Parameters in Channa punctatus (bl.) Infected with Aeromonas hydrophila Seema Jain and Manu Varma 13. Survey of Fish Ponds and its Relation to Fish Diseases in the Southern District of West Bengal 14. Influence of Sex and Length of Host on the Infection of Helminth Parasite in Fishes of Dolu Lake, Silchar, Assam 15. Seasonal Variation in Macrophage Phagocytic Activity in Genus Channa (gr.) of Meerut Region 16 Toxicity of an Organophophorus Insecticide on Catla catla 17 Toxicity of Rogor (Organophophorus Insecticide) on the Muscle of Channa punctatus (Bloch) 18. Comparison of Reproductive Performance of Indian Major Carps in Early Breeding 19. Histomorphological Studies on Spermatheca In Relation to the Ovarian Cycle of Freshwater Crab, Barytelphusa cunicularis 20. Mitochondrial DNA variation in Four Species of Snakeheaded Fish Channa 21. Genetic Improvement in Fish 22. Nutritive Quality of Some Smoked Fishes of Manipur 23. Cypermethrin and Fenvalerate Induced Protein Alterations in Freshwater Crab Barytelphusa cunicularis (Westwood) 24. Effect of Different Photoperiods and Temperature on Spawning in Goldfish (Carassius auratus)