1. Present Position, Importance and Scope of Floriculture 2. Principals of Garden Design and Landscaping
3. Different Styles of Gardens 4. Different Garden Features 5. Parks 6. Avenue 7. Ornamental Annuals
8. Identification of Flower Annuals (Winter, Summer and Rainy Season) 9. Herbaceous and Shrubbery Border 10. Identification of Flowering Shrubs 11. Identification of Foliage Shrubs 12. Identification of Climbers 13. Cultivation of Ornamental Trees 14. Identification of Flowering Trees 15. Identification of Foliage Trees .16. Hedges 17. Bonsai 18. Roof Garden 19. Lawn .20. Carnation 21. Chrysanthemum 22. Dahlia 23. Gerbera 24. Gladiolus 25. Jasmine 26. Lilium .27. Marigold, 28. Tuberose .29. Orchid 30. Rose 31. Lotus 32. Tulip 33. Anthurium 34. Crossandra 35. Drying of Flowers 36. Extraction of Essential Oil 37. Flower Arrangement 38. Objective Questions 39. Subjective Questions 40. Annexure I 41. Annexure II 42. Annexure III43. Glossary