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Faunal Diversity in India (in 2Parts)

Faunal Diversity in India (in 2Parts)

by Sobti et al

PRICE: ₹ 9,995.00
DISCOUNT: ₹ 1,499.25
OUR PRICE: ₹ 8,495.75

  • Year: 2015
  • Paperback/Hardbound: Hardbound
  • ISBN: 9789384337223
  • Language: ENGLISH

1. Biodiversity and its Conservation 2. Bioinformatics Approach to Fauna Systematics 3. Molecular Characterization of Insects Group 4. Microbial Diversity of India: Status and Biotechnological Applications 5. Species Diversity of Protozoans in Piscine Hosts 6. An Overview of Parasitic Fauna in Animals of Jammu and Kashmir 7. Faunal Diversity: Barcode Structure and Sem as tools to Address Issues of Synonymiaztion of Invasive Parasiteswith Revised Keyto Family Cucullanidae and Redescription of a Bothriocephalid 8. Status of Coral Reefs in India with Special Reference to Andaman and Nicobar Islands 9. Insects Diversity of india: A Review 10. Spider Diversity in India: An Overview  11. Composition and Diversity of Major Insect Pests of Mango Orchards 12. Biodiversity and the Value of Honey Bees as Pollinators, their Possible Causes of Decline and Impact on Economy: A Review 13. Seri-biodiversity of India 14. Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.) Biodiversity in Jammu & Kashmir 15. Biodiversity of Mulberry Silkworms: Status and Conservation16. Biodiversity of Prawns and Crabs of India 17. Tick Diversity in India and its Impact on Livestock Production System 18. Fish Biodiversity of India: An Overview 19. Status of Fish Diversity and Eco-Haracteristics of Aquatic Resources of Western Himalayan Region: A Review 20. Coldwater Fishery Resources, Fish Diversity and its Sustainable Management in India 21. Avifaunal Diversity in Natural and Urbanized Habitats in Some Parts of Western and Eastern Himalayas 22. Bats: Diversity, Behaviour and Conservation 23. Strategies For Assessment and Evaluation of Cattle Genetic Diversity 24. Genomic Approaches to Mitigate Effects of Climate Change in Livestock 25. Diversity and Ecology of Non Human Primates in India 26. Mammalian Palaeodiversity during Plio-pleistocene in North india in Relation to Palaeoclimatic Changes 27. Aquatic Faunal Diversity of the Indian Desert:Present Status Andthreats 28. Fossil Fauna of the Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh