An antimicrobial property of plant species is a key to identify the chemical constituents and on the basis of these properties a particular medicinal plant is used and their importance is known. Generally most of the plant species possess unique properties which may be useful for various treatments of disease and insect not only in human and animal but also in crops. But due to limited information and unknown properties, most of them are still not utilized. Present book Antimicrobial properties of medicinal plants consists 235 medicinal species of natural Forest have been identified and tested in vitro and in vivo for their antimicrobial properties against bacterial and fungal pathogens mostly causing diseases in vegetables and agricultural crops. In additions, authors also incorporated the findings of different scientists worked on various medicinal plants Worldwide and their recommendations in curing the diseases of human. It has been observed that many medicinal plants are known by more than one local name, thereby creating confusion about their correct botanical identity. Several books are available on the properties and uses of medicinal plant however; illustrations given in flora are either hand sketches or lacking color photographs which do not help in identification of plants to non experts. Considering this fact, the authors have incorporated colour photographs in this book.