1. Climate Change - Causes and Effects 2. Climate Change and its Impacts on Indian Agriculture 3. Impact of Climate Change on Wildlife 4. Carbon Management Strategies 5. Factors Influencing Adoption of Climate Change Mitigation Strategies by Farmers in Tamil Nadu 6. Methodological Challenges in the Study of Carbon Sequestration in Agroforestry Systems 7. Soil Carbon Sequestration for Mitigation of Climate Change 8. Carbon Sequestration Potential of Few Multipurpose Trees in Southern Tamil Nadu 9. Short Rotation Forestry: It’s Application for Biomass, Energy, Soil Health and Carbon Sequestration 10. Carbon Sequestration Potential of Millettia Pinnata and Simarouba glauca 11. Biomass Carbon Sequestration Potential of Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest in the Foot Hills of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, Tamil Nadu 12. Agroforestry Strategies for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation 13. Status of Forests & Tree Cover (FTC) and Agroforestry in Punjab Potential Tool for Mitigation and Adaptation of Climate Change 14. Developing Agroforesty Based Integrated Farming System Model for Mitigating Climate Change 15. Agroforestry Systems-A Best Choice For Mitigating Climate Change in Semi-arid Regions of Telangana State, India 16. Silvihorticultural Model for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation 17. Agroforestry Models for Climate Change Mitigation in Indo-Gangetic Plains 18. Visible Effects of Climate Change on Forests in Haryana and Role of Agroforestry in Mitigating Climate Change 19. Integrated Farming System – A Viable Model for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation 20. Agroforestry for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Hot Arid Region of Rajasthan 21. Windbreaks and Agroforestry for Enhancing Carbon Sinks in Dry Lands 22. Silvipasture Based Farming System to Mitigate Climate Change and Conserve Biodiversity: Farmer Participatory Approach–A Case Study 23. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: TOF and Agroforestry Perspectives for Kerala 24. Climate Finance – India’s Perspective and Initiatives by NABARD 25. Growing Trees Outside Forests for Carbon Offset and Towards Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation 26. Valuation of Ecotourism Services in Guindy National Park by
Travel Cost Method: Potential Tool for Total Economic Valuation of Climate Change and Adaptation 27. Role of Agroforestry in Strengthening Adaptive Capacity and Improving Livelihoods of Malayali Tribes in the Eastern Ghats 28. Watershed Development Projects Towards Mitigating Climate the Impact of Change-Experiences in Palakkad District 29. Assessment of Monetary Benefits of Climate Change Mitigation by Tree Plantations: A Case Study in Tamil Nadu 30. Neolamarckia Cadamba – A Potential Carbon Offset Species amenable for Mitigating Climate Change 31. Enteric Methane Emission from Ruminants and Mitigation Strategies Through Utilization of Fodder from Agroforestry Systems