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Aquaculture in INDIA

Aquaculture in INDIA

by Tripathi/Lakra

PRICE: ₹ 5,295.00
DISCOUNT: ₹ 794.25
OUR PRICE: ₹ 4,500.75

  • Year: 2018
  • Paperback/Hardbound: Hardbound
  • ISBN: 9789387590366
  • Language: ENGLISH

1. Freshwater Fish Biodiversity of India: Issues and Strategies for Sustainable Utilization 2. Freshwater Aquaculture in India 3. Brackishwater Aquaculture in India: Present Status and Future Perspectives 4. Inland Saline Aquaculture: Status and Prospects 5. Mariculture in India: Status and Potential 6. Coldwater Fisheries Research and Development in India 7. Development of Inland Fisheries in India 8. Marine Fishery Resources of Andaman and Nicobar Islands: Resources and Augmentation Measures for Sustainable Exploitation 9. Marine Ornamental Fish Culture in India: Captive Breeding, Culture, Trade and Management Strategies 10. Reservoirs: The Sleeping Giant of Inland Fisheries in India 11. Integrated Aquaculture: The Sustainable Food Production System 12. Aquaculture Development in North Eastern States 13. Freshwater Ornamental Fisheries of India 14. Invasive Fish Species in India and their Management 15. Managing Aquatic Environmental Degradation for Fisheries Development 16. Climate Change and its Impact on Fisheries and Aquaculture 17. Advances in Reproductive Physiology of Fish: Insights into Brain – Pituitary – Gonadal – Endocrine Axis 18. Soil and Water Quality Management for Sustainable Aquaculture 19. Recent Advances in Fish Disease Diagnostics and Health Management with Special Reference to Indian Freshwater Aquaculture 20. Genetic Improvement in Aquatic Species 21. Emerging Technologies in Fish Processing 22. Fish Nutrition Research in India: A brief Overview 23. Fish Products and their Commercialisation 24. Fish and Human Nutrition 25. Role of Cooperatives in Fisheries Development 26. Intellectual Property Rights in Fisheries 27. Human Resource Development in Aquaculture