India is expected to achieve the ambitious goal of doubling farm income in the near future. For
this, there is a need to have more forward-looking improved technologies for adoption of farmer.
This present book is formulated to addresses the current issues to enrich the “Farmers’
Prosperity through Improved Agricultural Technologies” and categorised in five sections:
a) Sustainable agricultural technologies.
b) Climate change: mitigation and adaptations strategies.
c) Special practices, nutrient management and technological interventions in horticultural crops.
d) Crop protection technologies.
e) ICT’S, IPR and women empowerment.
The above sections comprise 20 chapters written by 53 young agriculturists from various renowned Institutions and centred on Farmers’ Prosperity i.e., nursery business enterprise,sustainable agriculture, climate change, post harvest management, diseases management, mineral nutrition management, ICTs, PPV&FRA, women empowerment, etc. This book presents advanced knowledge on the various techniques for adoption in relevant aspects of improved agricultural technologies and primarily designed for the use of students,
agricultural scientists, teachers, policy makers, extension workers and agriculturists.