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Handbook of Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management

Handbook of Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management

by Solaimalai, A et al

PRICE: ₹ 4,995.00
DISCOUNT: ₹ 749.25
OUR PRICE: ₹ 4,245.75

  • Year: 2022
  • Paperback/Hardbound: Hardbound
  • ISBN: 9789390309221
  • Language: English

This book is intended for the agronomy and soil science courses of graduate and post graduate students in the field of Agriculture and Horticulture. This book has been prepared with a specific purpose of importing complete comprehensive information about soil fertility and nutrient management. I hope that the students and readers will find this with much utility. I thank all the authors / publishers from which references were collected on various aspects of soil fertility and nutrient management aspects. I am sure that this book will be useful to the students of agricultural universities.