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Indian Agriculture: Development and Challenges (2 Parts)

Indian Agriculture: Development and Challenges (2 Parts)

by Bimbraw, A.S

PRICE: ₹ 7,995.00
DISCOUNT: ₹ 1,199.25
OUR PRICE: ₹ 6,795.75

  • Year: 2022
  • Paperback/Hardbound: Hardbound
  • ISBN: 9789390309627
  • Language: English

Part - I
1. Agriculture: Scope, significance and prospects in India
2. Agriculture history in different periods and places in the World
3. History of agriculture in the Indian subcontinent
4. Neolithic and British agricultural revolution
5. Vision, objective and policy of agriculture exports
6. Agricultural: food security of India
7. Concept, significance and major agriculture cooperatives in India
8. Need, importance and types of agricultural insurance in India
9. Agriculture machinery, mechanization and its prospects in India
10. Types, sources, problems and measures of rural credit in India
11. Agricultural revolutions and their impacts in India
12. History, concept, significance and development of organic farming in India
13. History, significance and distribution of sugar industry in India
14. Production and trade of cotton industry in India
15. Production, manufacture and marketing of raw silk in India
16. Development and prospects of dairy farming in India
Part - II
17. Controlled environment agriculture (CEA)
18. Seed classes, seed replacement and tissue culture
19. Crop management for aberrant weather conditions
20. Balanced use of chemicals in agriculture
21. Contributing factors, forms and consequences of debt bondage in India
22. Transgenic crops-biosafety concerns and regulations in India 
23. Global greenhouse gases emission and its sources
24. Climate change impacts on livestock
25. Climate change effects on human health
26. Challenges, policies and strategies for India agriculture
27. Causes and statistics of farmer suicides in India