The present book on “Harnessing Frontier Technologies for Sustainable Crop Protection” deals with optimal resource use for pest management with high productivity and enhanced ecosystem services. The important frontier technologies for sustainable crop protection include precision agriculture, nanotechnology, genetically modified crops, genome editing, biointensive integrated pest management, biofumigation, push-pull strategy, grafted vegetables, cultivar mixtures, improved botanical formulations, and biological control. This alternative paradigm has been shown to work in many parts of the world, and is biologically and ecologically as well as economically more efficient in producing the required outputs of goods such as edible and non-edible biological products and at the same time taking care of other essential ecosystem services that regulate soil, crop and ecosystem health, and protect habitats and biodiversity.
This book will be of immense value to scientific community involved in teaching, research and extension activities related to crop protection. The material can be used for teaching post-graduate courses. The book can also serve as a very useful reference to policy makers and practicing farmers.